Talking With Tommie . . .
I’d like to introduce you to one of my best Cyber-friends in the world. Tommie Lyn. Her writing abilities are outstanding, and she’s accomplished more things than I can name or count. Today, we’ll be talking to her about her new career choice into the ever-changing world of Self-Publishing. Tomorrow we’ll delve into a more personal aspect, and talk about her writing habits and get a sneak peak into how she handles being a self-publishing author.
Thanks, Tommie for stopping by. Before we start discussing Self-Publishing, would you please give our readers the inside scoop on Tommie Lyn, the writer.
Thanks for inviting me. As far as the "inside scoop" about me, I'm a retired grandmother who lives in the Florida panhandle. I had always thought I'd have a leisurely retirement, do a little gardening, a little sewing, knitting and other crafts....but that was before I started writing. Now, I'm as busy as I ever was, but there's one big difference: I'm loving what I do now.
What led you to choose to go into Self-publishing?
My age. I’m sixty-five years old, and I don’t have the luxury of time to go through the traditional submissions process, which can take years.
Has it been everything you thought it would be?
Pretty much. I’ve done similar work in the past, so nothing was a big surprise.
What do you like most about Self-publishing?
I like having control over the process from beginning to end. I’m the one who decides how my cover will look, what will be in my story, when my book will be released, what the price will be.
What do you like least about it?
The attitudes toward me from unpublished writers.
Do you feel you’re where you’re supposed to be?
Yes, I think I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.
Would you suggest that others follow in your footsteps.
Self-publishing is not right for everyone. You have to be a self-starter, and you have to be willing to do what it takes to get the job done. That means you have to have a commitment to excellence and be willing to edit, edit, edit to get your work polished until it’s the best it can be. It means having some experience with layout and graphic design, or being willing to hire someone to do the book layout and cover design for you. And you have to be willing to do the work marketing requires.
Do you think Self-Publishing is fading or growing
stronger, and what do you think is just around the
corner for the S.P. Business.
I think that with the rapid growth of new technological developments, we’re going to see self-publishing becoming a more viable option for lots of good writers. They’ve been previously shut out of the publishing process simply because there were not enough slots with traditional publishers for them to get their work out there.
And, as far as what’s around the corner...I don’t think we know yet how publishing in general and self-publishing, in particular, is going to change. Taking a look at recent developments in some publishing companies with regard to self-publishing may give us a clue as to how the insiders see the future.
Any final thoughts on Self-Publishing?
I’m thankful I have options available today that are enabling me to get my books into the hands of readers. Options like Print On Demand (which, by the way, is now being increasingly used by even “traditional” publishers) and the growing variety of ebook readers.
Thanks much Tommie, and be sure and come back to read the second part of the
article on Self-Publishing.
Samantha Fury
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