Hi friends,
I'm going to veer away from covers for today. I've been asked many times. How many chapters does x amount of words equal. Well every good Author needs to know as much as possible about Word, or whatever software you may use.
I always know what chapter I'm on, what page I'm on and do an brief chapter outline so I don't go overboard when writing a novel.
An author needs to know how many words, or chapters that they are shooting for.
In Romance and Mystery it seems to be 85 to 97 thousand words. Most of the time for me that equals out being about 53 chapters or up.
I like short quick chapters with a zinger at the end of each chapter to leave the reader wanting more.
Also short chapters are very helpful, in giving today's busy reader, jumping off points.
It also helps them feel as if they are reading a lot and getting something accomplished if they can go away from their e-reader feeling as if they've read several chapters. It may even make them want to buy your next book, if they feel it was an easy read.
So onto the point of knowing how many words equals a chapter. I format my paperbacks 6 x 9. I always have word set up to reflect this. This seems to work well for paperback and my e-books.
Why go with a 6 X 9
I seem to find that the standard book size is six inches wide and nine inches tall 6 X 9. I've read that your book will probably be cheaper to print, easier to read, and easier to sell if going with the 6 X 9. One reason because it will fit on most bookstore shelves.
Larger books can be harder to hold, carry, or put on a shelf.
The cover of a 6 x9 book is larger than a 5.5 x 8.5 book. The cover is your advertising space so you want the best available book size.
I've printed two books with this format and it seems to work well. Go to file and page-set up and use these settings below for a 6 x 9 paperback novel.
Here are some images to help you set your M-Word so you know how many chapters you have and at what page you are on in your current Novel.
First set your Margins.
Then your paper size. This will be the size of your book if you chose a 6 x 9 paperback.
Lay Out
Paper Source 
Now you will need to add page numbers.
Go to Insert and down to page numbers and chose your settings.
I hope that this helps you. It's always good to get a proof with every book to make sure that everything is aligned correctly and that your cover looks well. In this instance with word you can use the percentage tab to make sure things look just as you wish them too.

I hope this helps!!!
Samantha come back Monday to learn something new and exciting to help you be a better Author.